
Why do the eggs not hatch ??

in Lonchura generell 04.02.2009 13:39
von Jannick | 44 Beiträge | 48 Punkte


I have wondered why the eggs do not hatch - I have had last year and the year before eggs from the munia's, but not that many hatched (of course full eggs)

This year I have seen the same with some pairs - 5 eggs laid 4-5 full once, but only 2 youngs - what can be the reason for this ??

I have keept them in different rumes also, and so and so..

Any that have ny advices ??

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RE: Why do the eggs not hatch ??

in Lonchura generell 04.02.2009 15:17
von Olivier Arnoult (gelöscht)

Hello Janick,
Eggs not hatching have of course different reasons,
I personnaly experienced this with my birds.
The level of humidity in the breeding room is a common one
Lack of vitamin A also
Coming back from the level of humidity, i noticed during a field trip to Papua New Guinea last december, that most of the species we care of, are living in habitat with very high level of humidity, (around 80%). I noticed myself we often have much lower humidity in our breeding room.
I have much less problem breeding outside in spring and summer with much higher humidity (average 60% to 75 %).
Do you have an hygrometer in your Breeding room ?
You can also spray your eggs with water, or bath the eggs in water (T° 376-38°C) just before hatching

Best wishes

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RE: Why do the eggs not hatch ??

in Lonchura generell 05.02.2009 18:20
von Jannick | 44 Beiträge | 48 Punkte

Zitat von Olivier Arnoult
Hello Janick,
Eggs not hatching have of course different reasons,
I personnaly experienced this with my birds.
The level of humidity in the breeding room is a common one
Lack of vitamin A also
Coming back from the level of humidity, i noticed during a field trip to Papua New Guinea last december, that most of the species we care of, are living in habitat with very high level of humidity, (around 80%). I noticed myself we often have much lower humidity in our breeding room.
I have much less problem breeding outside in spring and summer with much higher humidity (average 60% to 75 %).
Do you have an hygrometer in your Breeding room ?
You can also spray your eggs with water, or bath the eggs in water (T° 376-38°C) just before hatching

Best wishes

The humidity seems not to be the problem - as all my other birds do not have this problem, also not the ''lonchura'' only ''munia/nonnens'' - Yea I know its all lonchura's new, but you know.

I have gouldians, grimsons, pintails, and so and so to hatch, I had java manikin's and so to hatch full also..

Could be that the nonnens had a speciel need of something besizes a higher humidity

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RE: Why do the eggs not hatch ??

in Lonchura generell 10.02.2009 16:27
von Alice (gelöscht)

Hello Jannick and Olivier,

Full eggs not hatching when everything seems alright remind me of some illnesses caused by pathogenic bacteria.
I have the same problem with some pairs from time to time, not especially Lonchuras but also Cordon-bleus.
Outdoor breeding seems luckier, but for me it is more because of the natural sunlight than the high humidity level.
Increasing hygrometry doesn't seem to be the only thing to do. If the birds have access to a daily bath, they do it themselves when needed.
Can some pairs not sit on the eggs correctly ?
Do these eggs hatch when given to other pairs ?
Nightly visits of predators around the aviary, night storms and other events can certainly cause some failures too...
If nothing is to blame in the birds' environment, I would try checking and maybe treating the birds again bacteria or other germs...

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RE: Why do the eggs not hatch ??

in Lonchura generell 10.02.2009 18:18
von Jannick | 44 Beiträge | 48 Punkte

Zitat von Alice Maurisot
Hello Jannick and Olivier,

Full eggs not hatching when everything seems alright remind me of some illnesses caused by pathogenic bacteria.
I have the same problem with some pairs from time to time, not especially Lonchuras but also Cordon-bleus.
Outdoor breeding seems luckier, but for me it is more because of the natural sunlight than the high humidity level.
Increasing hygrometry doesn't seem to be the only thing to do. If the birds have access to a daily bath, they do it themselves when needed.
Can some pairs not sit on the eggs correctly ?
Do these eggs hatch when given to other pairs ?
Nightly visits of predators around the aviary, night storms and other events can certainly cause some failures too...
If nothing is to blame in the birds' environment, I would try checking and maybe treating the birds again bacteria or other germs...

Hallo Alice

I couldn't really see these things you describes as any of them that could be the problem - besizes they are not sitting on there eggs as much as they should.

I have noticted that many birds do not sit on the eggs as much when the first 2-3 eggs have hatched - but once agian it would be weired if that would be the problem.

I may have 400 birds, and some ''munia's'' and they are set up different places and so and so..
It really doesn't make any sence for me...

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RE: Why do the eggs not hatch ??

in Lonchura generell 10.02.2009 18:34
von Alice (gelöscht)

Hi Jannick,

In case it helps you, I use to put heating cable around the nestboxes of the pairs that don't sit on the eggs too long.
(They would do the same in their native country, where the weather is much warmer than our European climate, without damage, but here it's different.)
In December, this simple thing saved a nest of Red-cheeked Cordon-bleus, whom parents stop sitting on the young birds at night as soon as they are quite big (but with no feathers on !).
In this case it saved hatched chicks and not full eggs ready to hatch, but maybe some other species/pairs don't sit on the eggs tight enough or long enough for them to hatch under cooler climates ?

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