
Species lost in our european aviary

in Schnatterplatz!!! 18.09.2013 17:35
von Aurelien LEQUOY | 108 Beiträge | 119 Punkte

Just to make an invotory of species witch are no more present in Europe :

Extinct (in Europe)
Lonchura tritissima
Lonchura leucogastra
Lonchura kelaarti

Critically Endangered (in Europe)

Lonchura leucosticta
Lonchura ferruginosa
Lonchura teerinki
Lonchura atricapilla jagori

Endangered (in Europe)
Lonchura nana

Vulnerable (in Europe) (maybe I am wrong)
Lonchura flaviprimna
Lonchura quinticolor
Lonchura fuscata ? (maybe but ez to fond for me)

It's why i propose you to make an european invotory (anonymous / half anonymous), to know what we have in stock in europe. (i curently work on it).

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